Sabtu, 23 Agustus 2014

Perayaan Pangan Desa, Kediri 19-20 Agustus 2014

Pameran perdana Uma Nulu Nuda; berbekal nekad, 13 kain tenun, 16 baju kaos tematik, brosur, album tenun, sticker, satu kantong plastik besar jagung titi dan ikhlas!!! 
Target kali ini sederhana; memperkenalkan Adonara, Kewatek dan Jagung Titi
Dengan semangat Belajar dan Berjuang...seperti biasa


We have received the seeds from nature and ancestors; it is our duty to conserve it and to pass it to our generation. It is our duty so share seeds, exchange seeds, produce seeds.

Colonialism in the past with spices
Today with the seeds
Controlling seeds mean controlling food
Controlling food mean controlling society

When arms control armies
Food control everyone

The highest freedom comes from our seeds
If farmers have to buy seeds every year, they will come suicide like in India
In the end, we will buy Junk Food

Save your seeds, grow your diversity because that’s what make you grow

Diversity is the answer for hunger and mal nutrition

Seeds freedom is about bringing dignity and justice

For real food, we need three things: real soil, real seeds, real farmers

Vandana Shiva, 20 Agustus 2014

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